Drift Conveyor Main 1 1

Aquila Resources Overland Conveyor

  • Client: Fenner Dunlop
  • Location: Pilbara, Western Australia
  • Date: 2019 - 2020

Project Scope

EMtek partnered with Fenner Dunlop for the detailed design and engineering of the new the 2.6 kilometre-long ACV002 Drift Conveyor to Anglo American. The design, supply, installation and commissioning of the ACV002 Drift Conveyor was required due to the development mining that was commencing at the Aquila Mine in preparation for future longwall mining. EMtek’s scope included detailed design, engineering and drafting of the Drift Conveyor, Stacker head end, belt pulling and pulley change out facilities, tail end arrangement, construction and commissioning support.

Major Work Inclusions

  • Project management.
  • Engineering/design management.
  • Project controls.
  • Stacker head end design including lifting installation sequence.
  • OLC alignment incorporating WSP Pit Area G extension, tail end arrangement and hanging modules.
  • Detailed design, engineering and shop detailing of mechanical and structural items including OLC ground modules, head end drive station, head end take-up trolley and rail arrangement, trusses and trestles, stacker, belt pulling and pulley change out facilities.
  • Specification and selection of mechanical equipment.
  • Construction and commissioning support.